XtremeTraveler Quotes


  • “Why is it when I think of traveling and the world I feel as if I’m in LOVE? As if my passion is driven by the thought of exploring the unknown. Why is it that I feel as if my heart is broken right now…I can’t bare the thought of not having a flight Itinerary in my hands. I want to learn more…but not through books, by actually being there!!!”
  • “You have to be able to adapt and understand the difference between people and cultures to except the world around you…it requires a degree of tolerance, patience and objectivity”

-XtremeTraveler, Elizabeth Dunn

One Comment Add yours

  1. I am exactly the same… I am fortunate to get lots of travel perks because my partner is an ailine pilot-makes it so much cheaper to travel. Though I did travel a lot before too to be honest. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!


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